This method is used for smoothing of acne scars in the face, removal of hyperplastic sebbaceous glands (e.g. rhinophyma) or elimination of foreign body material in the skin (e.g. from powder debris after explosions).
Also, for the early therapy of pigmented giant nevi in small infants, this technique may be applied to remove pigment cells from the upper layers of the skin. In addition to this, dermabrasion is still rarely used for removal of tatoos.
A high-speed diamant-trephine (25.000U/min) is used to abrade superficial layers of the skin.
This therapy should be carried out under regional or general anestheia and should only be performed by experienced dermatological surgeons, since extensive scarring can occur if the abrasion includes deeper layers of the skin and if applied improperly, avulsions (tears of the skin) may occur.